Tuesday 2 June 2015

Festival Beauty Essentials

So I'm off to X Festival in Cardiff on 13th June which is going to be really fun, the line-up looks amazing! Whilst I was planning my outfit (I'm very organised), I had a great idea for a blog post. With summer fast approaching, I thought this would be the perfect time to write about my summer essentials. There is nothing worse than being at a festival in the heat, dehydrated, sleep-deprived, and having greasy hair, so here's some of my favourite products to avoid these kind of results from too much partying! They're also available in miniature, so great for travelling if you need to pack light! Enjoy, x

Dry Shampoo - As if walking around with dirty hair was bad enough, it's even worse when it looks and feels greasy! The best way to avoid this at a festival is either 1) Wash your hair stood underneath a cold tap, or have your friend throw litres of water over your knotty mane for it to then (if you have hair like me) dry with super frizz and triple the size it would be normally be OR 2) use dry shampoo! When you can do your hair no more, apply some dry shampoo. My favourite brand is Batiste, but if you are on a bit of a budget then you can pick up this item for less from most beauty retailers.

Primer - When I asked my friends for their thoughts on this blogpost, they didn't believe that primer was an essential, which is something that I would have agreed with up until now! I've started to wear it every day, (I have two; One for a hint of foundation) and I can really see the effects. I just see primer as an alternative to foundation - great for a festival in the heat! If I had to recommend a product, I would suggest Rimmel's 'Fix & Perfect Pro Primer' - it makes my skin look smooth, feel soft, and brightens my complexity.

Sun Cream - Nivea, everytime! This stuff works brilliantly and smells great. I prefer using either a cream or spray, as I find that is the easiest method of application. I can't express just how important it is to protect your skin!  

Wet Wipes - Wet wipes are your savour; Use them for everything!!  If I had to choose a favourite brand it would either be Simple or Halo. I love wipes from Halo because they have lots of different wipes for different types of jobs, but they can work out quite expensive, retailing at £1.09 for 10!! As long as you have some form of wetwipes, you'll be ok.

Fake Tan - At one point or another, those pasty legs will have to come out to catch the sun rays, so apply fake tan before you leave. I find it best to exfoliate my legs before and after application so the tan lasts. Although I've not really experimented much with fake tans, I love the mousse from Primark. It smells nice and I can enjoy the effects for a small price of £2.50!!
Glitter - I'm not 100% sure if you'd class this as a beauty essential, but it's definitely a festival necessity. Glitter makes every looks fun and colourful, so bring plenty of it.

Please feel free to comment if you found this review helpful, if you would add / change something about this list, or if you have any suggestions for future blog posts!

Thanks for reading,

Yvette Marie xo


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