Wednesday 8 July 2015

Review:Fullips - Lip Enhancers

6/6 - Lips ... If you've met me in person, or, if you've ever checked out my Instagram *click here*, you'll know that my lips aren't the biggest, in fact, they're tiny!!.. My top lip is pretty much non-existent. I would love my lips to be bigger, but I'm not so keen on having lip fillers, or any cosmetic procedure! So I searched the web for a solution (I think everyone does this) and I came across 'Fullips'. During the last few months there has been a lot of publicity around these lip enhancers from Fullips as Kylie Jenner claimed during an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that this product was the reason for her new super-sized lips... OK so later on KUWTK Kylie admitted that she'd actually had lip fillers, but that didn't stop me wanting to test this product! Continuing reading for my full review! Enjoy, x
I purchased two sizes, small & medium from Ebay - I didn't think a size Large was needed, because my lips are just so SMALL! This product was pretty expensive, from memory I paid £18 for 2 plus Postage & Packaging... Yes it is a one off purchase, but I thought this was a little bit pricey considering this product is made by a small American company. If you shop around, you may be able to find a money saving deal such as '3 for the price of 2' or some sort of deal from a beauty salon /distributor - so be sure to do this!!

Ok... so where to begin? This product is super easy to use!!
1) Just before use, apply a lip scrub - here's an awesome recipe
2) Simply wet your lips (I find plain Vaseline is a good substance)
3) Apply the enhancer to your lips until suction has been made.. and relax!
4) Keep the plumper attached for approx. 30 seconds, and then repeat 
5) It's REALLY important that you detached the enhancer using your fingers (as opposed to just pulling the item off) otherwise your lips will bruise!
6) You may have to play around with a different technique, just to find out what work best for you.. there are hundreds of tutorials online, so have a look.

I really like the medium size because I can use it for my whole lip area, and then use the smaller size tool to target certain areas, i.e. my cupid bow!

Does this product work? Absolutely!! Here are some before and after photos -  as you can see, my lips look so much fuller, plump and just generally better! Make sure you check out my Instagram to see a complete variety of results. The lip area is left a little red after use, but that's pretty much unavoidable. After the redness has gone away and your skin has calmed down, apply a lip liner and your favourite lipstick!! Once lipstick has been applied, you can really see the difference in size!! The results last between 1-3 hours, which I believe is just about the right of time. It takes around 30 seconds (minimum) to make your lips bigger, and the results last all evening! If you use the enhancer every day, then the results will last longer! 
Have you tried the Lip Enhancers from Fullips? If so, what did you think? Leave your comments in the box below... Alternatively, if you have any ideas for future blog posts, I would love to hear them! 

Thanks for reading, 

Yvette Marie xo


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